
This is the Void
2004-12-13 @ 7:16 p.m.

There are so many things I mean to say, need to say. To so many different people. So many different things. There are apologies, thank yous, wishes, hopes, dreams, thoughts and basically the things I need to say that have all faded away, because I didn't say them, and they simply drift out of my mind and wither on the vine.

It's sad to speak of but it's true. And I could probably come to tears if I tried to explain it to you, so therefore: I won't.

That's why I love first impressions, and when I get to meet a new person, I can start anew. Because there are so many people I haven't met, and everytime I meet somebody new, I have a different impression. Every time I meet somebody new, I start over again: becoming. I like this. And I like being able to have very different levels of bonding between the people that I know. Because I love the variety. I couldn't stand being around the same types of people all the time. Who could?

But I cannnot list all the things I need to say here, not only because I forget them all. But because it just wouldn't make sense. I need to say these things for them to take any real meaning.

So this becomes the void. The emptiness building from the nothingness.

I couldn't say those things if I tried anyway.

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