
Wait &Bleed
2006-08-16 @ 12:37A

Today it could have been 1 year &8 months for Justin & I. I hate thinking about what we could have had &what I thought I was. I still love him &it sucks because I know that I always will no matter what happens in the future. I'm positive that even if I'm grown up &have a husband that I'll still think of him &what I'm missing out on.
If I could really talk with Justin again I'd tell him everything that might mean anything. Ultimately I'd love to be with him again &I wish he could come back &I'd show him how I've changed &how it's all because of him but I don't want to hurt him in showing that. He's taught me so much about myself &my life that I could never forget &it means a lot to me. If only he knew that &I wasn't so afraid to say so.

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